There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.
-Albert Einstein-
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In all I do, I search for Excellence, not Perfection.
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StackExchange The last I checked, I had reached over 128,000 other professionals, and all I was doing was trying to help, not raise my scores.
Boycott Wikipedia for its censorship and unreliable sources. Alternatives: Seven Alternatives
Boycott Facebook for its censorship, tracking, and propoganda. Alternatives: Top Facebook Alternatives for Different Social Media Types
Boycott Twitter for its censorship and propoganda. Alternatives: 8 Best Twitter Alternatives Where Free Speech Is Respected Maybe X is better. I don't know or care.
Boycott Google Search for its censorship, tracking, and propoganda. Alternatives: Duck Duck Go and Startpage